Minoh Park Osaka - Waterfall, Monkeys and Nature

Escape from the stress, that's what we need sometimes. A perfect day spent at Minoh Parl - Osaka. Peaceful place rich of vegetation, the air is clean and you can breathe the nature smell. It was fun bump into the local people who dressed typical costume. They maybe went to celebrate something religious. Arrived at waterfall, we bump into a funny monkey, kind of aggressive. She was starring at people looking for food to steal. Few minutes later the kinky monkey attacked a old couple in order to steal fruit .. ahahah .. It was so funny. Waterfall are nice, but do not expect Niagara Fall. If you are in Osaka and you have few hours to spent, visit Minoh Park.

Minoh Park Osaka temple

Minoh Park Osaka forest trees

Minoh Park Osaka waterfall celebration

Minoh Park Osaka waterfall monkey

Minoh Park Osaka waterfall

Minoh Park Osaka Kris Van Assche Sunglasses 2013

Minoh Park Osaka waterfall Aqquim sunglasses Super Kris Van Assche

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